Today we purchased a 5 speed swing off of craigslist for super cheap and ended up taking a road trip out to 155 and Q. Xander was driven by the hospital where he was born and we all got out of the house - a rare occasion these days. There are fireworks going off all over the neighborhood and the puppies are a little tense, but otherwise everyone seems very content. I'm going to have to make a trip out to the old place to mow the lawn and clean a few rooms that we didn't get to before Xander was born. It's a good thing we had so long to move out of there!
The picture is of Andy licking Charlie and Merediths' little girl during a visit to our house the other day. Andy was very intimidating at first but I think that they warmed up to each other by the end of the night : )
Aww, how cute! She had to tell everyone about the doggies she met and how Andy licked her hands!