Sunday, July 29, 2012

Fitzgerald Houses

When we traveled to Minnesota this summer, I had been most excited to visit F. Scott Fitzgerald's house.  Well, actually, he lived in a few houses in St. Paul, but we were able to visit two in one visit:  The house in which he was born, and the house in which he wrote This Side of Paradise.  Thanks to Gema for the pictures!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lauritzen Gardens with Trains

I had really been looking forward to going to Lauritzen Gardens during Railroad Days this year, and Xander had a blast!  I love the pictures of him on the little train, where he's riding by himself, but we all were able to ride a bigger train together.  He also loved the beautiful outdoor model trains, with current and historic Omaha buildings made from sticks, acorns, and other gardeny items.  They also had model train displays inside, too!  We had a great time!

Friday, July 20, 2012


Xander had visitors last week--Mimi and Grandpa Johnny!  We did so many fun things, including Omaha Railroad Days!  Here are some pictures of our family at the RailsWest Museum.  It was so hot that day, but Xander had a blast!  They had a model train that he could control, which he kept stopping as it rode in front of him so he could have a better look.  The museum had many model trains upstairs and real trains outside!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

iphone/pod post 4

Baby Tripp's baptism

Trying on Mommy's sunglasses

Baby Tripp and Uncle Mark

Hubie looks clean!

Xander on his way up to fix the gutter

The dread pirate Xander

Mom and Dad downtown

First Children's Museum adventure!

There's little seahorses in there!

Through the screen door

Mimi and Grandpa Johnny at the Xoo


Car Happiness

Random dog in a random junk shop

Mohawk Man

One "Art" Please

Xander plays croquet

Molly and the Xmas tree

Good X face!
