Saturday, July 10, 2010

I do not have a mullet

I feel like I should explain the picture from the previous post. There is an Abby Road poster in the back round that makes my hair look disproportionately long in the back. I do not have a mullet. Those are trees. Also, I was just posing with a goofy face, I am not disgruntled in this picture. I thought it was an entertaining picture so I posted it. Having said that, it is 2 a. m. and we are feeding Xander at the moment. Sarah says, "We didn't post a new blog today (yesterday)" so here I am, posting a blog in the middle of the night. Not much to say really. We did some afternoon napping today and I dropped off the keys to our old place. Interestingly, someone has just stolen the central air-conditioning unit out of the back yard of at the old place within the last few days. I guess they realized no one was living there at the time. Kinda glad we left that neighborhood.

1 comment:

  1. I agree about the neighborhood and am glad you are out of there. As for the picture, my first thought was "don't drop the baby"! A new addition to the blog everyday would be welcome (if you have time) and the pictures are especially welcome. Love, Dad
