Wednesday, January 26, 2011

31 Week Megapost

Xander is 31 weeks old and getting even more awesome by the second.  Here are some pictures of Xander playing last weekend:

Molly is always close by:

Xander knows how to pose for the camera:

Xander still loves to suck his thumb (and anything else in range)!

Our happy family :)

Posing on the bed for Mommy:

My beanie boys:

Here is Xander and his Daddy as they practice blowing raspberries:

Xander and Molly are buds!

Xander with his pea 'stache:

Xander trying out his sippy cup:

Here is Xander helping his daddy clean his face after dinner:

(Almost) everyone together on the couch:

Cozy family:

Xander's carrots:

Saturday, January 22, 2011

7 Month Post!

Xander is 7 Months old today!  I can't believe how the time has flown by.  He has been "talking" a lot these days.  He reaches for everything still.  I think the dogs seem to enjoy him more and he certainly enjoys the dogs : )  Sometimes Xander wakes up in the morning and just hangs out in bed with us, babbling away instead of demanding diaper duties.  We've been getting more hours of rest each night now that Xander goes much longer without having to get up.  He's a happy baby!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Paul Day Pics III

I want another snow day!  Teachers aren't supposed to be more excited that the students about snow days, but we have been so spoiled lately with short weeks, and it was heartbreaking seeing Paul and Xander wave from the window as I drove off in the cold this morning.  Xander is growing so quickly and is such a happy, peppy baby.  I am so happy that he gets to spend so much time with Paul during the day.  The "nice ladies" at Mom's Day Out are awesome, but I know the time Xander and Paul spend together is really special.

Here are some "Paul Day Pics" sent to me yesterday, taken from Paul's iPod.  Apparently the mystery food Xander is eating is banana!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Xander is financially responsible : )

Yesterday we opened a bank account for Xander : )  He deposited his Christmas money from his great papa!  There are still some papers to sign but the nice lady at the bank said that they could wait until he was old enough to have his own signature.

Happy New Year!

Xander had his first New Year's Eve party complete with pizza and Pauly Shore movies.  He even woke up to enjoy the fireworks at midnight!  Xander continues to put everything in his mouth these days.  He wants anything that is in your hand, and his new favorite toy is the plastic case for Paul's ipod.  Xander also loves making squealy noises, and he can even sit up by himself indefinitely.  To celebrate the new year, Xander tried some avocado!