Tuesday, May 3, 2016


X: I want to be a daddy when I grow up.
P:  That's great, then I will be a granddaddy. You can call me Granddaddy.  
X:  I will call you Kiki!
P: What do you call your grandpa?
X:  Grandpa Jerry
P: what about your other grandpa?
X: I want to call Grandpa Johnny "Grandpa Glasses."
P: Both of your grandpas wear glasses.
X: If I was Tripp, I'd call you Nana.

Saturday, April 2, 2016


X has been asking to go hiking lately, and the safari park opened last week, so we did both of their hiking loops today. X was awesome!

X's Adventuresome Day

X had a busy day today! He went to the Xoo, then tried the Rick climbing walls before swimming lessons.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Playing at the Hotel

Xander has been spanning time at Gema and Grandpa's hotel this weekend. 


X started the next level of swimming lessons last weekend

After swimming: