Friday, December 31, 2010

27 Weeks

Xander has had a busy 27th week with us!  He went to the doctor a couple days ago and got a lot of shots.  He was such a tough guy!  Here's Xander's new stats:
  • Height:  Xander is 26.75" tall now (58th%)
  • Weight:  At 16 lb 3 oz (23%), Xander's weight is evening back out--he didn't even gain a pound in the last 2 months.
  • Head Circumference:  43.3 cm (34%)
Otherwise, we have been enjoying our time off together, playing with his new toys and going to new (and old) places around town.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sioux Falls Xmas!

We visited Sioux Falls last weekend to celebrate Christmas.  Seven dogs were playing together in the house!  The whole family made the trip and we even had a visit from the elusive Green Man : )  Xander was in good spirits even though he had a cold.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Xmas in Omaha!

We had an early Christmas  at home on Xander's half-birthday, (Andy's & Uncle Pete's birthday too!).  He had lots of fun opening presents and playing with wrapping paper : )  Uncle Pete gave Xap an enormous stuffed doggy.  Xander received lots of other presents too!  He really liked playing with his new set of toy keys : ) By the end of the day he was worn out and sleepy : )

Thursday, December 23, 2010

6 Months!

Yesterday was a very special day:  Xander's half-birthday!  Poor guy has caught his second cold, but he is still having lots of fun.

We celebrated last weekend by attempting to feed Xander some cereal.  He didn't exactly scarf it, but at least he got to try it: