Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Our favorite holiday is here! Xander's parents met on this day 7 years ago. We were lucky to get to spend our weekend at Gema and Grandpa Jerry's. Here are some pictures from last night:

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Xander Smiles :)

Here are some of my favorite pictures of our little dude over the last month or so.  He is becoming a little stinker--always getting into things, running to places he shouldn't be before we can catch him.  Xander has 10 teeth now, and he likes to show them off!  He's a beautiful little guy.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

We had an awesome time at the pumpkin patch with Gema and Grandpa Jerry this year!  The weather was beautiful and the sun was really bright!  Xander has been carrying his little pumpkin around and chewing on the stem ever since we returned home.  We are looking forward to our second Halloween with our little man.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The best Calvin and Hobbes comic

We were thinking of dressing Xander up as Calvin for Halloween!

Xander at the Gardens

Xander had a playdate last weekend at Lauritzen Gardens with his friend, Avery.  Here are some pictures of our beautiful day:

Friday, October 7, 2011

Our Little Walker :)

Xander is 15 months old now! He loves to walk along with and also on his own at times. Xander loves to hold our hand and walk down the block as we have been enjoying the more mild fall weather. I love watching him explore his surroundings: Xander picks up leaves and tries to feed them to Molly (she's such a good sport!), he chooses the biggest sticks he can find and drags them along behind him, and he likes to walk in the grass, up hills, up steps, and along fences. Watching him reminds me how awesome our world is and how lucky we are to have time to enjoy it.

Xander has been signing "all done" and continues to talk a lot. He has been really sweet with Molly (and vice versa), and has been eating all sorts of new things! He stills asks to be held ("up") and is often super cuddly. Here's some Xander walking footage:

Monday, October 3, 2011

Trip to Sioux Falls

Xander took another trip to Sioux Falls this weekend.  He hasn't been feeling very well, but he still had a blast walking around Gema and Grandpa Jerry's house and going to the pumpkin patch.  Thanks to Gema for the pics!