Sunday, March 18, 2012

Brush Brush Brush

Xander loves to brush his teeth!  Ever since we got him an electric toothbrush, he doesn't want to stop brushing! Xander likes to brush his own teeth, and he cries when we take it away.  He signs for toothbrush and says "teeth."  It's pretty sad.  Here is a video of X toothbrushing:

Here is a link to another video--this is the song that we sing to Xander during toothbrushing time.  Check it out--you'll love it as much as Xander does:

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patty's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Here are some silly green pictures of Xander wearing a funny hat at Whole Foolds and reading his bus book in the car:

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Some recent vids of Xander playing in the living room

Little Gabber

I can't believe how much X has been talking lately!  It seems like he learns a few new words a week now.  Some new ones include the Yo Gabba Gabba character names:
  • Muno ("Meno")
  • Toodee
  • Foofa
  • Brobee ("Robert")
  • Plex (to me, sounds kind of like "butt")
Last night when we turned the lights out to go to sleep, the house was silent except little whispers of "Meno" and then "Toodee" and "hi."  I love his sweet little baby voice.  He is so much fun!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Xoo Snacking

We have always been avid xoo-goers, but with this year's mild winter, we've been able to go more than ever!  Paul and X often go while I'm at work, but sometimes, we all meet there after I'm done with work, and Paul will pack food to eat.  A few trips ago, we were snacking in the orangutan habitat and they seemed really interested in Paul's food!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Choo Choo!

Xander loves choo choo trains!  He makes them out of everything.  I came home yesterday and noticed this arrangement of magnets on the fridge.  I assumed Paul did it, but he said Xander did!

Here is a video of a curried Xander (he's yellow from eating dinner) making a choo choo train out of blocks from his toy train.  I love to watch him organize his toys--he is so particular about them, but he struggles a bit getting his hands to do exactly what he wants.  It's fascinating to me how he has preferences and a vision for how he wants things to be organized. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

X is Growing Up!

Xander is growing up so fast!  He surprised me last night by saying "bus"--his eyes lit up, and I looked out the window to see a school bus driving by!  I don't know how he picked that word up!  He also says milk now--he has been signing it for months, but didn't say until these last couple of days.  He pronounces it "malt" with a sharp "t."  I was climbing out of bed to go to work this morning, and he whispered "malt"--so cute (although he just had some)!

Here are some flashback pictures:

March 2011 - little superboy!
March 2011 - wearing Christmas jammies that were so tiny!
March 1st, 2010 - He's in there somewhere!